Saturday, December 10, 2011


The things you learn your first year of teaching! For some reason, blue painted pieces have paper (just blue?) have begun to pile up in my Kindergarten storage area. We started to make our own scratch art with crayon and deluded blue tempera (which I've done before and it's works well...) but this time it was too challenging for the kindergartners to scratch off, and it flaked off too easily in some areas- FAIL. We also started a one day watercolor snowflake project, but then did not have a chance to finish that project before we moved onto our next unit. We also created collage paper with these awesome textured foam rollers (and blue paint of course!) and we ended up with a lot of extra pieces from that... so we threw a blue party. I got out all of the blue painted paper, white paper & blue paint (wash), blue yarn, blue tape, hole punches...and let them go to town creating snow flake mobile, head dresses, necklaces, wall hangings, capes and other creations that involved " ohhh punch, punch, punch, tape, tie, paint, wrap, staple!" It turned out to be a lot of fun and I'd say fairly productive class period, ha! I love days with limited instruction and maximum moments of creativity.

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